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Writer's pictureRobin Butler

Inquiry in Biology - How to Make Your Own!

I'm moving to a new grade level and I have had such a luxury of having many companies that have already developed inquiry based lessons for middle school, that when I moved to high school, I was so saddened by the lack of resources available to me!

Fear not though! I would not allow this lack of information to keep me away from inquiry based teaching! I had seen how more involved my students had become in class with this type of teaching that I knew I wanted to use it in high school. So, my first lesson had begun!

Traditionally, in biology, your first lesson is on scientific method and chemistry of life. You want to cover concepts like variables, hypothesis, bonding, properties of water, etc. I had no clue where to start let alone a phenomenon to use. Thankfully, there was a new type of technology that has emerged for teachers to use, AI. Yes, yes I know. Many of us view AI as the devil in disguise, about to take over our jobs. But really, it was quite a helpful tool to making my first inquiry based lesson successful.

Before I move on, I wanted to give a "shoutout" to a Facebook group for teachers that use AI called "chatGPT for Teachers". It has really helped me in using the resource correctly!

Below I will outline how I made my lesson then share the folder with you!

  1. Set up your chatGPT by giving it a list of information. In mine, I said the following prompts:

    1. "Please provide for me an anchoring phenomenon that would be used for inquiry based research"

    2. Can you put this inquiry-based investigation into 6 lesson outline with lesson questions and one essential question?

    3. Can you revise it to make a lesson that highlights chemical bonding and water properties?

    4. Can you add a lesson that highlights the definition of biology and what science is. Making the lesson all together 7 parts

    5. For lesson 1, can you please write out a 10 step slide of how you would do that lesson?

    6. And so on.

  2. As I gave chatGPT these prompts, it would give me suggestions that I would then implement into a PowerPoint (in the google drive provided).

  3. When I felt like the lesson was solidified I would then add in labs and activities that I've made in the past or I felt like matched the lesson's needs.

  4. Done! Lesson was completed! Even better, my "talk" with chatGPT was also saved for future reference!

The amount of time I needed to come up with the phenomenon was cut down just because chatGPT was able to give me the ideas. Much like google would have, chatGPT was much more precise in the search processes.

When making my inquiry based lessons in the future, I will continue to use chatGPT and other AI programs similar to it. This technology is the now and future. As teachers, we need to know how to use it and use it to our advantage. Me using it for my lesson in inquiry is just one of those ways, so please enjoy!

Until next time!

That One Science Teacher

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